For Gregg:
Gregg was a really special guy, truly one of a kind. He was a walking contradiction in ways, a curmudgeon with a heart of gold. But his outward appearance was deceptive, Gregg wasn’t “Eeyore” on the inside, he was very introspective and sensitive. He struggled like all of us, but his tattoos, hats and jean jacket covered in patches and pins was his armor for this world.
Everytime I’d see him in recent years he’d have a new addition on his hands, his legs, his arms. He loved his tattoos, almost like they protected him from the cold, harsh realities of his job as a photojournalist and the world changing over the last few decades. Fires and shootings, protests, riots, plane crashes, murder and mayhem, a pandemic; “sometimes,” he said, “it gets to be too much”.
Somehow he’d find a way to talk it out with one of us and rise above, that’s when the “real Gregg” as I like to call it would shine.
He was such a great dude, he visited me in the hospital when nobody could because we were in a pandemic, he would bring me records or CD’s just “because he felt like it”, he’d swing by my edit bay just to check in for a half hour to see how things were going.
We always talked music, he loved to recommend bands and albums, record labels, you name it. He’d always show me concert clips and music videos, he’d get excited and loved to teach me about his world. He was passionate about his unique tastes and again, he wore them proudly. However, you couldn’t change Gregg’s mind, he was as stubborn as a mule because passions ran deep and he stood by his opinions proudly.
We saw a lot of shows together because it was our escape, a release, it was always very important for him to have his music, me too. Many times when I was headed home I’d swing by his live truck to say goodnight and he’d be in there with phone in hand. headphones on and his eyes closed just grabbing a piece of that world.
Music was everything… Gregg WAS music, from new wave, metal and punk in the 80’s to Black and Death Metal and Grunge in the 90’s and 00’s, it was his lifeline, the light at the end of the tunnel… Music brought him peace, happiness and healing when things turned dark.
Sometimes he reveled in the shadows and the darkness, he liked to test himself and those aural boundaries because it made him feel alive.
He had a wicked sense of self deprecating humor, he loved to laugh and deep down inside he was a great big teddy bear. I can hear his laugh now, it was infectious and you wanted to make him laugh more so you could hear it. If you actually took the time to get past that hard veneer and learn about him, Gregg was like French bread, hard on the outside but soft and warm on the inside.
He’d hate that fucking analogy, that’s why I used it.
He loved light fare too, his goofy television shows, movies, when I was in Cleveland he asked for a couple pics of the “A Christmas Story” house. He frequently admitted he enjoyed being a nerd, loved Culture Club, “Hold On” from Wilson Phillips, The Bachelor, and of course, Taylor Swift.
Sometimes it was hard to take him serious, that was the catch, he always caught you off guard. He was one of the funniest people I’ve ever known, his sense of humor was mischievous and on point.
He loved to debate, argue about things he liked. He loved to tell stories but hated talking politics and the harsh realities of the daily grind and this world. He was very supportive and was always there for me when I was down, especially when I lost both of my parents in the recent years.
He said to me: “Hey buddy sorry to hear about your mom. I know how much it hurts, my mom died 15 years ago. It’s just one of the worst pains… Hang in there”
When I said: “Love you bro, appreciate the kind words. It means a lot.”
His response: “Ditto”
That meant the world to me.
One thing was true, he loved his little girl, Erika and he doted on her like no other… and Gregg was so proud of her accomplishments and who she is becoming. He took great pride in her hard work and he’d talk about her often, you could tell he was a great parent. Whenever I’d ask him about her he’d light up and get that sheepish grin from ear to ear.
It’s hard to believe he’s gone, left this world for something he believed to be better.
In many ways Gregg wasn’t about this world, tough as nails but even he would most likely admit he was far too sensitive for this place. Like many of us I really, really, really wish he was still here, I’m gonna miss those talks, miss his advice and his laughter, the ball-busting, his excitement over a new album or something he heard or a concert we could go to on the way. I wish he would have reached out to one of us in his time of need, I like to think we could have turned him around to see the light.
Despite his sometimes difficult demeanor and hard shell, Gregg knew there was much more to this life than what’s going on day to day. He knew there was something beyond this thing called life, but like all of us he didn’t know what it is. But he believed there was more… he quietly embraced it, the clues are in the music he cherished.
And as one of his favorite artists Nick Cave sang, with lyrics by Bob Dylan,
“When you're sad and when you're lonely
And you haven't got a friend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all that you held sacred
Falls down and does not mend
Just remember that death is not the end
When you're standing on the crossroads
That you cannot comprehend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all your dreams have vanished
And you don't know what's up the bend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
When the storm clouds gather round you
And heavy rains descend
Just remember that death is not the end
And there's no-one there to comfort you
With a helping hand to lend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end
For the tree of life is growing
Where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation
Up in dark and empty skies
When the cities are on fire
With the burning flesh of men
Just remember that death is not the end”
I believe Gregg always had hope, he knew there is something beyond sadness and loss.
I believe music was a great source of comfort when facing isolation, the daily disasters, finding our place within the sadness in the world.
I believe Gregg always looked for love, knew love, he cherished it. Deep down inside I believe he felt the afterlife promised something beyond this broken world. He wanted to see past the darkness and revel in the light or whatever was behind it.
We’re going miss you buddy and it’s not going to be the same without you, I love you brother.
~ Shane McEachern Springfield, PA
3/22/2025 8:35:09 AM